Please Support This Christmas

5 Dec 2020 by Philip Hall

Please collect your recyclable containers this Christmas and donate to Camp Eagle.

This is enabling the campsite to hire a bookkeeper, continue maintenance and upgrades and pay our annual insurance.
God has provided another wonderful blessing which will help in strengthening the campsites ability to run youth camps.

Containers For Change
All recyclable containers with the 10 cent refund logo can be collected and handed in to collect the refund.
If you quote our number : C1006069 the money will go directly into the bank account for Camp Eagle Mountain Retreat.
Thanks to the hard work of David from the Campsite Volunteer Group, we have already started to see significant revenue come in.
Please get the word out and our number,to let people know that this is a great way to support the campsite.
David has kindly offered to be the contact person and will collect larger amounts of containers from businesses.
Thank you.

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