Teaching Kids Outside

4 May 2021 by Admin Camp Eagle

Teaching Kids Outside
According to a National Geographic article,
outdoor and nature-based early-childhood
education has seen a huge increase since the
start of the pandemic. The takeaways:
• Any outdoor space can be turned into a
• Outdoor education not only protects kids
from COVID, but being outside increases
their abilities to pay attention.
• Learning in nature helps kids develop
problem-solving and critical-thinking skills,
resilience, abilities to work as a team and
appreciation for nature.
• Learning in nature improves reading skills
and increases motivation.
• Outdoor learning can offer a more holistic
approach to the way children are educated.
• When children experience something rather
than simply hear about it, it is more
meaningful to them.
• Conflicts can diminish when children learn
• Being outdoors can help kids’ mental health.

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